Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Greetings Readers!

I know it has been awhile, but I just recently got married and my time has been very compacted. Please forgive me! I hope this blog greets you in the greatest of health. Today I would just like to talk about an event that I attended called, "Get Motivated". It was an event held in the city of Pittsburgh at the Mellon Arena and it was phenomenal. Now, we all have an understanding that we need to be motivated to do something of great value, but this event was more than just motivation. It gave you the ability to take a step back and just think about yourself!!!

That's right, I said it, YOURSELF! How often do you take the time to just sit back and think about you? Do you put enough time and energy into yourself and take the break from others? No one in this world will put more time and energy into you unless you do first! Well, this event had tons of speakers such as: Tamara Lowe, Zig Ziglar, Terry Bradshaw, Rudy Giuliani, Troy Polamalu, Gen. Colin Powell, and much more.

These speakers did a phenomenal job, and I got so much out of it. My question that I pose to you is, "What prevents you from being motivated?" Every person is different and made up of different values and opinions. The ability to motivate such "different people" is a skill that is crafted. Is there anything that just keeps you from being motivated? Do you ever get in a slump of things and it takes awhile to get out of it? Do you have a high or low self image? These are things that you can determine to help figure out what your strengths or weaknesses are.

Motivation can come in waves, but what are you doing to keep your motivation continue?


Jamal R. Tullis

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