Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just Walk Away...

"Wait, here it comes. The argument is coming from what was just said. I can feel it. My pulse is rising. It's officially making me angry, I'm about to lose control." Do you feel yourself from time to time getting in situations where its just not necessary to be in? For some strange reasons you always tell yourself, "I need to remove myself from this situation and be gone with it."The crazy part about it is just arguments suck you in. They are like things that cling onto you and you just can't get away from them. We definitely are going the right route by stating that we can't continue to put ourselves into these situations, but the "lint" just keeps on coming back! Confrontational situations are stressful, not only to your mind and body, but also to your spirit. It takes a toll on you as a whole. Someone can literally take you to a place in an argument that can change your whole personality. Have you ever been taken there? You start doing things that you just don't do on a regular basis. Some people get joy out of creating these confrontations, but some try so hard everyday to avoid them every way possible.

We need to remove ourselves from negativity and negative people. That's the reason why we are surrounded by these kind of situations often. It's not the fact that we create them, but it's the people we are around that can create them for us. Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone you didn't even know? I mean, really, it could be the first time your meeting a mutal friend and they get on your nerves so much that an argument occurs. Now, I'm not saying that your friend is the one to blame, but I am saying that your friend may hang with negative people. Thus, your surrounded by negativity again. We can't shield ourselves from the negative because it's out there and it always will be. The thing we can do differently is feed our soul and minds with positive things. If you watch the news more than an hour a day, your not helping yourself. The news drives on negative because that's what gives them ratings. The average person doesn't want to know positive happenings, they demand to know what is bad out there and are they effected? Remain in a happy state and negativity will not effect you; it will simply amuse you. What are some things that you can do to help you remain positive? In the end, when negative comes.....Just Walk Away and you've won.


Jamal R. Tullis

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